An Inner Mission

Massage Therapy. Bodywork. Martial Arts.

Massage Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy

Martial Arts

An Inner Mission is dedicated to the preservation and continuation of combat martial arts with thousands of years of effective lineage. We focus on "Self-Protection" as opposed to "Self-Defense" in order to empower our community with the tools and techniques to offer unyielding support in the face of adversity. We focus on training suited for multiple opponents, omni-directional, with the intent of utilizing hand to hand combat and how that translates to full weapon systems. We are here to see you thrive in the face of adversity no matter your stature, age or identification.

"You see, it is far superior to be a Warrior in a Garden than a Gardener in a War" -- Ancient Chinese Proverb

An Inner Mission is a mobile Massage & Bodywork clinic in Denver, CO that specializes in Integrative Massage Therapy and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.

An Inner Mission is on the mission to provide our clients with the most supportive, professional and personalized services available. We have long term and well demonstrated expertise in the Health and Wellness Fields.

Latin-English Dictionary


Intermissio, intermissionis

Feminine noun intermission; pause;

Feminine noun

intermission; pause